I think Harald's suggestion makes sense and should be implemented.

Contreras, Jorge wrote:
Ok.  So is the point then just not to have to issue a new RFC if the
Trust decides they want a different license?  I.e. is that the
"future-proofing" that the proposed change is supposed to provide?

I apologize if my unfortunate use of the term "future-proofing" has
caused angst.  But I was referring to the proposal made by Harald
Alvestrand, as a member of the community, not a proposal made by the
Trust.  Harald's proposal should not be taken as an indication of the
Trust's intentions.  I believe that Russ and I were merely saying that
Harald's proposal seemed reasonable.  If other members of the community
disagree, then that's fine too.

If so, in light of the other comments people are making about how the
Trust appears to be rather more activist than some people find
congenial (I am reserving my opinion on that topic), I'm not sure the
proposed change is a good one.  If the Trust needed to change the
license, there would be two reasons to do it, I think:

    1.  The community wants the change.

    2.  External forces (say, legal precedents) cause the
    currently-selected license to be the wrong one.

But both of those cases seem to me to be the sort of thing that
requires some community input and some rough consensus, no?  If so,
then what would be hard about writing a new RFC that captured this
update, and publishing it the way of the usual RFC process?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.

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