On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:11 AM, Mary Barnes wrote:

Just to add my two cents to this discussion from a (past) noncom chair perpsective, having more experienced IETF participants on the Nomcom helps tremendously. It makes it far easier for the noncom chair and non-voting members (previous nomcom chair and liaisons) to stick to the roles as specified in RFC 3777 in terms of facilitatng and ensuring the integrity of the process and not influencing the decisions of the nomcom. In the end, each voting member gets one vote (using a methodology agreed by the voting members), so the positives of ensuring the nomcom has experienced members far outweigh any perceived negatives in my experience.

I was discussing this with various people yesterday - maybe it would be useful to have a "moving average" NOMCOM, with a two year term, and 50% replacement each year. Once that was set up, I think that the need for experienced hands would diminish - one year on the NOMCOM seems to be quite a bit of experience.





> John,
> On 7/24/2010 2:24 PM, John Leslie wrote:
> > How can we impose additional
> > experience requirements on some NomCom members without implying that
> > we want their opinions to be considered "better"?
> I've been on 3 Nomcoms. Voting members with experience are typically
> notable, but those without have yet to show anything I'd call "deference" > or "intimidation". On the average, IETF participants are each and all
> rather independent-minded and painfully unintimidated by folks with
> extensive experience.
> During a discussion among members, being able to cite experience when > offering an opinion helps, but I haven't seen anything that looked like > inherently preferential position because a member has more experience.
> Decisions still require making a good case for a position.

I'll be the IAB's liaison to NomCom this year, but I haven't served on a NomCom previously. You're addressing a concern I had (and I don't think I was the only one) about part of the committee deferring to more experienced

I hadn't heard anyone saying "not a problem in my experience" previously.
Good to know.

Thank you.

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