On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 03:46:12AM -0400, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> I was discussing this with various people yesterday - maybe it would be 
> useful to have a "moving average" NOMCOM, with a two year term, and 50% 
> replacement each year. Once that was set up, I think that the need for 
> experienced hands would diminish - one year on the NOMCOM seems to be 
> quite a bit of experience.

A 50% replacement rule would be, in my view, very much preferable to
the two-tier version that's been proposed.  The original proposal
will, in my view, make the Nomcom effectively the domain of the
"experienced" people -- i.e. the "elect" will just take over, and
Nomcom decisions will be whatever those three want (regardless of the
best intentions of all the participants).  This new proposal will
still create a differentiation in the Nomcom, but that differentiation
is not based on being the product (either direct or indirect) of
previous Nomcoms.  This is a change I would support.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
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