On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:43 AM, t.petch wrote:

>>> If you want to be fair to the individual participants you have to optimize
> in such a way that attending 6 meetings costs the same for every individual 
> that
> regularly attends the IETF. Obviously one can only approximate that by putting
> fairly large error bars on the costs but isn't the X-Y-Z distribution where X=
> approx Y= approx Z  the closest optimum? (or finding one place that sucks
> equally for everybody)

One place that sucks for everybody has the great advantage of reducing the 
stress associated with travel. A lot of people were stressed about the various 
ways of getting to Maastricht, and a lot more are stressed about getting to 
Beijing (what with various kinds of visas, hotels and taxi drivers who don't 
speak any language other than Chinese)

If we standardize on one place, then by your second meeting, you know 
everything about the place, and people can cut&paste their complaints from the 
previous meeting.

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