--On Sunday, November 14, 2010 10:20 -0500 Marshall Eubanks
<t...@americafree.tv> wrote:

>> How many of those are volunteers/host/NOC/future host, and
>> how many are "discretionary comp"?
> There was exactly 1 "discretionary" in Beijing. 
> Wearing no hats, and just my own personal opinion, this seems
> like making a mountain out of a molehill to me.

More like an entire range of mountains out of an anthill.

I think there is one, and only one, case that would be relevant
to the community: if an IETF Chair who is up for renomination
ever comps a nomcom member, the Nomcom (chair should probably be
informed and given permission to share the information with the
nomcom if there is any evidence of improper behavior.   I don't
personally consider that the decision to comp the participant
would itself be improper (although it might be questionable
judgment for the nomcom member to ask and for the IETF Chair to
agree), but behavior on the nomcom that appeared to reflect
influence from the decision would be.

I obviously don't have data but my guess is that this situation
has never arisen.   
I guess the same principle would apply even more strongly to a
recall committee member but the frequency with which the recall
mechanism has been used makes the likelihood of a problem even
lower.   I do not believe the Nomcom or recall cases require any
specific rules.  Indeed, I believe that accumulation of rules to
deal with such very unlikely and infrequent cases hurts the
community far more than the theoretical problems the the rule
might solve.


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