
> On 8/29/2011 8:01 AM, Henk Uijterwaal wrote:
>> If we want more flexibility in order to find better hotel deals, then we have
>> to do something like: dates are fixed approximately 1.5 years out, and we do
>> not mind having meetings back-to-back with other organizations on the clash
>> list.

> As we have been told for many years and experienced directly, hotel schedules
> become crowded 2-3 years ahead of time.  That means we must fix our dates
> farther ahead than we have been doing.  1.5 years essentially guarantees our
> having very limited choice.

Yes, I agree.  My point was the change that was proposed.  Currently the
algorithm is something like:

 T-6 years:    Announce date of meeting
 T-3 years:    Start finding a hotel
 T-2 years:    Select hotel
 T-1.5 years:  Announce venue to community.

Obvious advantage of this model is that all other organizations know when we
will meet and clashes are minimal.  Also, people who asked for early
announcements of meeting dates, get what they want.

If we change to a model where we are more flexible in order to find the best
hotel deal, this becomes something like:

 T-6 years   Announce that we have meeting in say March/July/November
 T-3 years   Start finding a hotel for that month.
 T-2 years   Select hotel and set exact meeting dates.
 T-1.5 years Announce to community.

That is a 4.5 year difference in when the exact date is announced.  This
increase the risk that there is a clash with another meeting and people
cannot plan much in advance.

The question is what we, as a community, want: dates known early or
flexibility to select the best venue at a late stage.


Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk(at)uijterwaal.nl
                                          Phone: +31.6.55861746

There appears to have been a collective retreat from reality that day.
                                 (John Glanfield, on an engineering project)
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