On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Sam Hartman <hartmans-i...@mit.edu> wrote:

> >>>>> "Olaf" == Olaf Kolkman <o...@nlnetlabs.nl> writes:
>    Olaf> Dear Colleagues,
>    Olaf> I have just chartered a very short draft that intends to
>    Olaf> update BCP101. It can be found at:
>    Olaf>
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kolkman-iasa-ex-officio-membership
>    Olaf> The draft is very short and contains only a few sentences of
>    Olaf> substance:
>    Olaf>    The IETF chair, the IAB chair, and the ISOC President/CEO
>    Olaf> may delegate their responsibilities to other persons.  The
>    Olaf> delegations by the IETF chair and the IAB chair need to be
>    Olaf> confirmed by the IESG and IAB respectively.  The terms of
>    Olaf> delegation is for a longer term for instance aligned with the
>    Olaf> IESG and IAB appointment cycles (roughly anual).
> I'm strongly in favor of the principle behind this draft.
> Presumably the delegate would be subject to recall through the normal
> recall process (as are all IAOC members today except for the ISOC
> president)
> You should spell out things like whether the delegating IAOC member may
> recall their delegation and whether the body (IAB/IESG) may recall the
> delegate.

Note that the current draft does not mention the word delegate, except to
note that it was removed.
These would be full members, with the full fiduciary responsibility of
membership. That means, for example, that
they might feel compelled to vote against the desires of their nominating

Recall is not mentioned by the draft, and thus it would follow the rules of
BCP 101 and RFC 3777. Note that, according to
BCP 101

"IAOC members are

   not, however, subject to recall by the bodies that appointed them."

This draft does not change that.

> You should consider whether the IAOC needs to accept the delegate.

These would be full members, neither the IAOC nor the Trust would have any
discretion in accepting them.


> I think the above issues should be considered.
> No specific results to the consideration of those issues would be
> blocking for me. I think this is a great idea!
> I do think a mechanism like this could be used badly. So we should be
> responsible:-)
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