Hi Bob - 

I actually think that delegating this to a co-chair or executive vice chair 
would work.  The similar military model is commander/executive officer where 
the commander (chair) is responsible for strategic thinking and the XO 
(co-chair) is responsible for tactical execution.  Also the commander tends to 
be outward facing and the XO inward facing.

I don't know that the models are close enough to be a perfect fit, but they 
might suggest some ways of splitting up the load.

If you wanted the chair to retain the IAOC/Trust, you'd have to be able to 
figure out what other responsibilities to parcel off to the co-chair. I'm not 
sure I agree with you that the IETF chair MUST be on the IAOC.  In any case,  I 
definitely think giving a co-chair the General Area would make sense.  Maybe 
also sticking him/her with the document review responsibility (but leave the 
decision for the vote in the chair's hand but be based on the co-chairs 

The other reason I suggested adding a co-chair is that our process of finding 
an IETF chair replacement is haphazard at best and criminally negligent at 
worst.  I'd really like to get a few apprentices identified and qualified 
before Russ quits or dies from overwork.  Having someone do part of the job and 
observe the rest seems to be a reasonable approach to meeting that (what I 
perceive as a ) need.


At 08:55 AM 9/22/2011, Bob Hinden wrote:
>The IETF chair needs to be a voting IAOC and IETF Trust member.  Too much of 
>the IETF operation for it's successful operation is tied to the IETF chair for 
>he/she to delegate it to anyone else. 

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