On May 4, 2012, at 6:30 PM, Worley, Dale R (Dale) wrote:

>> From: Allison Mankin [allison.man...@gmail.com]
>> I'd be interested to learn of studies of the CS workforce outside the
>> US.  Are there recruitment and attrition problems everywhere?
> I've seen reports in the popular press that the fraction of women
> entering software is higher in many Asian countries than in the US, so
> presumably there is solid information to that extent.
> I've heard anecdotes that the fraction of women in software in Israel
> is much higher than in the US.

Around 30%-40%. I don't have hard numbers, but I have a feeling that it has 
gone down a bit in the last 10 years. One of my tasks is to give a monthly "VPN 
basics" talk to new recruits, and women seem to be about 1 in 4. This could be 
specific to my company, though.


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