Hi Russ,

I think that statement you made is very reasonable which I would prefer
groups work to the best of IETF purposes, but also we need to know the
reason why some individuals fail to convince an IETF WG. It is important
that individuals get to make input to new standards not only companies. I
am afraid that only companies are controlling the Internet standards which
seems bad and does not follow the IETF mission. Therefore, there SHOULD be
a procedure to make participants follow to convince WG and a procedure that
WGs follow to accept with reason, not just blocking excellent I-D because
they group think it is bad with no reason or knowledgable discussion. If
there is no procedure then individuals or other organisations will look for
another way to standards their work.


 but is this Why not? I thought any I-D can be standard track,


>The Independent Submission Stream cannot be used to produce standards
track RFCs.


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