--On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 08:15 +0000 Brian E Carpenter
<brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The list of attendees is now taken care of by the scanned blue
> sheets, but the barely literate "he said, she said" minutes
> from most WGs are pretty much useless. For people attempting
> to participate only via the mailing list this is a problem.
> Let's have more minutes like these:
> http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/85/minutes/minutes-85-opsawg

This is, IMO, a consequence of our developing fancy tools and
then uncritically relying on them.  A Jabber log or real-time
Etherpad may be, and probably is, a very helpful way to keep
real-time notes within a meeting but some WGs have substituted
nearly-unedited versions of them (especially the latter) for
minutes.  They are not minutes, certainly not minutes as
contemplated by RFC 2418, and I sincerely hope that the IESG and
the community push back on those "barely literate" notes before
there is an appeal against a WG decision or document approval
that is based, even in part, on failure of the WG to comply with
that 2418 requirement.


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