For the question at the end, I'd like to suggest that making an effort
to normalize some of the use of the tools that we have would be most
helpful.   It's not just a technology problem.

>>>>> "IETF" == IETF Chair <> writes:
    IETF> 2.4. Slide Sharing

    IETF>    Anyone can use a web browser to fetch the session slides.
    IETF> WG Chairs are responsible for posting the slides prior to the
    IETF> session, and the slides (in PDF format) become part of the
    IETF> session proceedings.

Slides are regularly late, and regularly not in PDF format.
They get updated at the last minute, so slide numbers fail.
I think that this presents too rosy a picture of getting slides.

    IETF> 2.6.  Shared Text Document Editing

    IETF>    In some sessions, there is an attempt to edit a text
    IETF> document with input from the local and remote attendees.  This
    IETF> is most often done for minutes and proposed WG charter

I wish we would do this more often, particularly for "HUMs"

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works 

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