Hi Michael,

+1 for the deadline
- 1 for the unified slide deck: from my experience with Meetecho, this is not 
always a good idea, both because of the deck's dimensions and of the 
difficulties in automatically recognizing speakers' switches (e.g. for the 
recordings of the single presentations).

My 2 cents,


Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> ha scritto:

>>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Narten <nar...@us.ibm.com> writes:
>    Thomas> IMO, what is missing is operational Best Practices. We seem
>    Thomas> to be lacking them (are any written down?) And we don't
>    Thomas> follow them consistently, especially from one WG to
>    Thomas> another. Many of the problems I see with remote
>    Thomas> participation facilties have to do not with the technology
>    Thomas> per se, but with lack of proper training and advance
>    Thomas> testing. I get the general sense that getting the remote
>I am setting a deadline for slides for IETF86 for my WG, and I will be
>doing a unified slide deck.  I might allow text on a slide to be
>updated the day before... but no slides, no speak.
>Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works 

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