Subject: Re: Content-free Last Call comments Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 
11:46:29PM +0000 Quoting Ted Lemon (
> Determining consensus in an IETF last call is a bit more complicated
> than that.   It's not a working group last call.   If someone objects to
> publication during IETF last call, and their objection has already been
> discussed and addressed in the working group, the objection in IETF last
> call doesn't break that consensus.
So, if wg discussion has been ordered mute by the wg chairs because
some wg participants believe the group-think consensus is good enough,
can those objections again be raised in IETF LC or are they set in stone?

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
NATHAN ... your PARENTS were in a CARCRASH!!  They're VOIDED -- They
COLLAPSED They had no CHAINSAWS ... They had no MONEY MACHINES ... They
did PILLS in SKIMPY GRASS SKIRTS ... Nathan, I EMULATED them ... but
they were OFF-KEY ...

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