On 6/11/13 8:12 AM, Ted Lemon wrote:
On Jun 11, 2013, at 7:52 AM, Måns Nilsson <mansa...@besserwisser.org> wrote:
So, if wg discussion has been ordered mute by the wg chairs because
some wg participants believe the group-think consensus is good enough,
can those objections again be raised in IETF LC or are they set in stone?

You can always challenge the WG chair's finding, but you don't need to hassle 
the whole IETF to do that—just talk to the responsible AD for the working 
group, or to the IESG as a whole if the responsible AD fails you.   That's what 
the appeals process is supposed to be for.

You can of course raise the point on the IETF mailing list, and that is likely 
to result in the responsible AD considering the question of whether the WG 
chairs made the right call—I certainly would do so if someone raised such a 
point on a document for which I was responsible AD.   But if the responsible AD 
decides that the chair made the right call, the objection you raise in IETF 
last call doesn't count against the working group consensus.

Engaging during IETF LC on a point made during WGLC or earlier that wasn't adopted is a-okay in my book. I think of it as raising awareness. I mean maybe the authors and WG chair didn't get it right. But, then what Ted said kicks in.


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