
For the record, there have been several ongoing efforts. First, there is a 
diversity design team. We expect some results from them before IETF-87, lets 
deal with those when they come. Second, the IAOC has looked hard at the 
possibilities for reaching further out in the geographical world - you must 
have seen the big discussion about South America a while ago. I expect some 
news from the IAOC on this front soon. Third, we have worked with ISOC and 
others to look at how we could expand outreach efforts, be it geography, new 
types of participants, or other factors. Fourth, I think many of us have had 
the topic in our minds in our daily work, e.g., when looking at competence 
profiles for tasks, etc. See Peter's mail.

All in all, I'd of course be happier if we had made a big change and impact 
immediately. But the reality is that these types of changes are hard and take 
some time. But there is definitely efforts on the way. Those will have effects, 
long term.

That being said, I don't think we've done enough. Do you have suggestions on 
what additional things we could do? (Or you, or others on the list?)


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