On 6/18/13 12:08 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> When I make a statement at the microphone and then have multiple people
> come to thank me afterwards for making that point I don't consider it
> pontificating.
> I do however consider your own response to be an example of the type of
> exclusionary behavior that I was talking about. Dismissing those
> concerns as 'pontificating' does not help matters. And you have no idea
> what actions I have taken to attempt to recruit people to get involved. 

No, I don't. I'm happy to hear that you're getting busy from the ground
up, instead of waiting for official action.

> The issue was raised in the IETF plenary I would have expected mention
> of a followup mailing list to be made here on the ietf discussion list. 

Fair enough.


Peter Saint-Andre

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