On 01/27/2016 11:24 AM, Godfrey, Ian wrote:
Having said that, I've downloaded and applied the patches from github
and have found a slightly annoying behaviour. Everytime I use the the
buttons under the plotlist (both the orange ones and the purple ones)
the component lists reset.
i.e. I set up a sum with component 1 as, say, HAuCl4 standard and
component 2 as, say, Au foil and plot it. I then plot a couple of
datasets using the buttons on the RHS. At this point all the
component lists reset themselve to blank. I can reselect the
component from the dropdown easily enough, but this is annoying if I
have several components set up with corresponding weightings in a
Simple fix committed at
Will be in the next release. (Also easy to apply by hand, if you are so
Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
Building 535A
Upton NY, 11973
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