At 02:58 AM 11/08/1999 -0600, Joseph D Santucci wrote:
> At
>Harvey was WC T219 leaving with a 7500 series SD45R and the 3027 resplendent
>with the flags of most of  those foreign countries that WC operates
>railroads in.

Those exotic flags emblazoned on WC 3027 are the flags of Illinois,
Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ontario (not necessarily in that order),
the territory served by the Wisconsin Central.  I could make a comment that
to an Indiana resident that, yes indeed, those are foreign flags! <grin>

In August, Margaret and I rode the steam excursion out of Gladstone,
Michigan, behind SOO 1003.  We photographed the WC 3027 east of Gladstone
the day before.

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