On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Anish A <aneesh...@gmail.com> wrote:

I accept your arguments. But about privacy? What are your opinion about
> that?

Well. Aneesh, your privacy is already compromised, in case you are thinking
these much extreme! If you are so much privacy aware, why are you using
Google services like search, Gmail etc..

Anyway Google have a clear Android Privacy Policy[
http://www.android.com/privacy.html ]. It is obvious that they are keeping
track of your search behavior to serve us targeted ads. In that way, they
are generating revenue.

But my merely using Android, I think there will be no problem. Most issues
are reported with third party apps in the market. If you wouldn't trust any
app developer, please do not install their app. That's all.

Please accept the fact. Google is doing something to promote FOSS. It will
be better for the free software community.

-മഹേഷ് മോഹന്‍ എം.യു

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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