>  I m nandha.... doing second year in saveetha engg college..
> I hav a system with intel 845GV - p4 - 640 mb RAM - 40+20 gb hdd
> i m using dual os - windows xp and ubuntu 8.04 . after switching to ubuntu
> i
> m not at all using windows..
> now i have a doubt about swap area.
> my doubts are
> 1. how to utilize the swap memory completely( i hv created a swap of 1280
> mb
> and ubuntu is in 40 gb hdd) bcoz most of the time my swap is idle.
> My friend,

Swap memory is your virtual memory. When your linux box run out of primary
memory (RAM) then it started using swap partition (area ).

If you system is not using the swap area, it really good, since it show you
have enough RAM on board.

Utilizing the swap partition for your graphics memory is not an ideal
option. Swap partition grows on your secondary memory (HDD), is
comparatively very very slow to the RAM.

Its no way possible to used swap as per you mentioned in post.



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