On Thursday 22 Oct 2009 4:02:06 pm sankarshan wrote:
> > will look at that - btw, since you are here could you tell me how to get
> > tamil fonts to show in a java app on fedora 11. I have JOSM running but
> > only get little boxen when typing tamil - although it shows up properly
> > after upload. I presume it is a question of compiling the app with indic
> > support? How does one do that with java?
> I haven't tried doing that and, I have no idea (the limited knowledge
> of java and i18n that I have just indicates that i18n has been one of
> the strong points of java for a while) . I could ask around to see if
> someone has pointers or, perhaps the JOSM developers could provide
> some inputs if asked. The observation that it does show up properly
> indicates that the storage of the input is happening correctly, as to
> why the display/rendering within the application itself does not
> happen is something I don't have an idea about.

no java guys in ILUGC?
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