2009/12/31 Sreekanth B <gnuy...@gmail.com>

> i think we can debate on this distro choice ;-)

Tried to distract a bit ;-)

>  Ubuntu is slow to catch up the server side market with 9.10
> release they have almost achieved better packaging for kernel and
> hence future seems bright for ubuntu.

agreed. 9.10 needs some time though for some annoying bugs to be sorted out.

 UEC == Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud == http://www.eucalyptus.com/
> it help you to setup a private cloud,[..]

I knew this already. But...

> what probably karan means is that since redhat/centos is enterprise ready
> from long time lot of companies would be deploying it. At the moment i dont
> have stats to prove this point tho.

My curiosity is just "wat makes centOS a preferred distro over the others?".
I was wondering if there's any 'specific' reason behind it. I'd love to

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