On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 9:30 PM, K.P. Senthil Kumar <sekumar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> >
> > Anyhow i asked what's the difference between opensource and free software
> > if free software means "freedom to use,modify,redistribute" then what
> > opensource refers?
> >
> >
> Free Software means not necessarily to be an open source product. For
> example Adobe Reader is a free software (Proprietary to Adobe). When the
> same Adobe Reader source code is available to us for use, modify and re
> distribute then it is open source.
OMG ----- you are perfectly wrong. Who told to spread this wrong thing to

Free Software means a software which is release under a license which
fulfill 4 freedom for software users and GPL license is one such example.

Free means Freedom.. and not free of cost...
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