On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Chandran <chand...@lawgonindia.com> wrote:

> >Infact in my office Majority of the computer is running on Ubuntu for the
> past one year. I have been promoting >Opensource software among my
> professional community.


>I am sorry you are misconcieved this information.  Intellectual Property
> rights includes Patents, Trademark, >Copyright, Design, Geographical
> Indications and Integrated Circuits layout protection. Even your blog is
> >copyrighted,*Copyright © 2007-2010 Arun's blog. Sorry to mention
> personally. Our Patent Act is not granting >patents to software perse. So
> Source codes are protected under Copyright. Even when you want to promote
> your >opensource software, you need a trademark[brand name]. You have to
> keep that brand name proctected in order to >promote your software. Members
> in the list will also develop integrated circuits which can be protected.
> Designs >which you are creating using opensource software is protected under
> copyright and if it is a industrial design it can >be protected under
> Designs Act.Intellectual property is not only Patents. Please look at the
> world with broad >perspective. I have seen many  people nowadays using open
> source software for their business/profession. That >doesn't mean that they
> are not entitled to protect their products/designs/logo.*
 So this workshop/seminar is not about software patents? Will you be
discussing about various Free software licenses ? By the way the as you have
mentioned "intellectual property" is a broad term, please refrain from using
it. Request you read the following article on "Intellectual property" by
stallman http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html .The term "IP" made me
to think about your firm is actually lobbying for "Software patents". Thank

Arun S.A.G
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