
--- On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Yogesh Girikumar
<yogeshg1...@gmail.com> wrote:
| True. And where can I find the said things for this group? I joined only
| about a year ago.

You will get to know with experience. If you don't know, you are
welcome to ask without making blind statements, but please do some
homework in future.

| Yes. But I thought this was *just* a *Linux Users* Group. Didn't know you
| were critical on proprietary s/w (even if it might convince newbies to start
| using Linux).

As I said, groups share ideas, principles, values, and it is important
to adhere to them.

| That gave me an impression that the group
| is not very critical of proprietary software. Most people (serious users
| doing serious businesses) would definitely not adopt Free Software

Including Facebook, Google, Red Hat, Nokia, ST-Ericsson, Samsung, IBM,
Cisco, HP, Fujitsu, Intel, Analog Devices et. al. ? :) [1]

I'll forgive you for your ignorance. Sorry to say that today almost
all corporates have atleast some product or division that use and also
(try to) release free/open source software.

| because it gives them freedom. They'd go for it if the software is
| technically superior in some way. And getting Linux into the hands of
| serious users will IMO be very good for Linux and its progress.

You should never forget the fundamental reason why such code came into
existence. Please read a bit about history [2].

| My focus here is to try and introduce new people to Linux. If it comes to
| convincing them to switch to Linux on grounds that their favourite
| proprietary software works on Linux, I'm very much OK with it.

That is your opinion and I'd leave it at that.

| I'd tell
| someone to switch to Linux by convincing them that Picasa works on Linux!
| ...
I I was not promoting proprietary software and have no intent
| of doing so in the future.

You are actually contradicting your own statements :)



[1] For example - "Paid developers power the Linux kernel."

[2] Free as in Freedom. http://oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/ .

Shakthi Kannan
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