On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Raman.P <raam...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> I wish all the people thinking of helping consider few things - which are
> sad reality of present education.
> 1.Out of 180 students atleast 170 will require spoon-feeding, hand-holding
> etc. There is no substitute to regular class-room+lab type of teaching for
> them.

Before that, we should have an evaluation of the students..   there is NO
necessity that we should teach every student in that college..  we should
not commit like that .. We need to select students based on evaluation..

> 2.Self learning is very minimal

Yes.. for most of the students..  reason:  lack of reading habits..

based on my experience in past 3 years, the attitude of most of the students
is pathetic..  many students want a job on a gold platter..  and many dont
know what they want or what they are capable..  there no sincerity on their
part, and they just wanted to enjoy their college life..

So what we need initially is an orientation program, explaining them the
ground realities..

> 3.College Management expects us to be physically present.

This is another aspect we have to consider carefully..
   * we have to ascertain the motive and objective of the college
management..  we should not be utilised for their selfish objectives.
   * ILUGC should not be dictated by college terms..  rather, we have to set
terms for college to follow us.. only then we can maintain the standard..
   * We need to make clear, that we are NOT their servant..  bcoz, anything
coming free is not respected in most cases..

> 4.First semester will require extensive teaching and hence physical
> presence will be required. We can form a team to teach different
> languages/tools.

This will amount to spoon feeding..  we can give basic introduction, and the
student should learn on their own..  Class room teaching will never impart
the required knowledge..

> 5.During actual projects personal contacts/interaction can be minimal.
6.Teaching over irc,email, forum etc., are ruled out. At the maximum they
> can be used for clearing doubts

> What are the ways ILUGC members can contribute?
> 1.If you can spare time (3.30 to 5.30) take class even if it is for 1 or 2
> days please do. We will workout a timetable and post it.
> 2.Create project ideas in the wiki page. Also clearly state basic
> requirements. Since it is MCA projects need not be IEEE.
> 3.During project stage the hours will be flexible and probably we can ask
> students to meet the mentors at a place convenient to the mentor. So
> mentoring the project, in my opinion many can volunteer.
  we need to first analyse our resource availability, the open source
projects we have at hand, how many persons needed for that, time duration,
and the required skill sets..   once we take stock of our capabilities, we
can tell the college students that we can take only this number of students
for project work and the students would be selected based on evalutation and
personal interview, and there should be a binding on the part of student to
complete the tasks assigned..

Say for example, there are 180 students, we will select only 25-50 students,
and focus on them..  if the college wants to teach to all students, they can
utilise these core students for that..   This approach will share the burden
among students, and relieve our ILUGC member to focus on our core
objective..  to guide, rather than to teach..

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