On 11 July 2011 14:47, Prabhu Gnana Sundar <prabh...@ymail.com> wrote:
>>> Can any of you suggest an Internet cafe software to run on Ubuntu
>>> client and
>>> Windows server?
>> no
> Hi Kenneth,
>     The way you have responded above to Anu Nivas's post is just *ridiculous* 
> and *without* any point or explanation which is not going to help anyone 
> here. It would be good if you give proper answers rather than *just* replies. 
> Only responses with points and good suggestions would help us learn from the 
> list. These do *not* help us in anyway.
> This is not the first time you are pointed out with *pointless* replies like 
> this, but you still keep doing it. Not sure if you understand the purpose of 
> the list.
> I can see others responding in a much better way, which helps us to learn 
> from them.

I see a lot of criticism of KG's response;  I am not happy about
someone expecting to get an answer from the LUG about
proprietary software. And I am not sure that the list should encourage
people to answer such questions.

And KG's succinct (ok, cryptic) answer was to the point. I might have
told the OP politely not to expect such
questions answered here; or I might have done it rudely.

I am concerned that a large number of list members are looking up to
the LUG list as a general trouble-shooting
help desk. I for one would be very unhappy if that is the direction it turns to.

The LUG and the list are meant to foster a sense of community learning
and working together for FOSS

I am considerably more offended by the question asked (and the
defenses for the same) than the
manner of KG's answer.
Asokan Pichai
We will find a way. Or, make one. (Hannibal)
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