Ok; my 2 paise

1. There is an opinion that the list needs to be 'friendly' for
    some values of that term

2. It appears that many newcomers `will' not know some
    things that all seasoned users take for granted:
    eg: top posting, asking poorly framed questions,
    all caps ....

3. Many people believe that such newcomers should be
    educated and that they are actually being scared
    away by the type of answers that are given

4. Many people (often those who do answer such queries)
    believe that the simple, direct, rude, blunt, offensive
    (Choose your pick) answer is the best way.

5. Many people (often those that do not answer queries)
    are going on record questioning the style of such answers

6. The defenders of newcomers are almost taking the view that
    we can educate the newcomers ONLY after answering the

7.  I almost 'hear' an undertone of "If you try to educate them
     any other way they will be lost to the community

8. The seasoned users opine that in order to be a member
    of any group one has to first understand the rules of
    that group. Else the group will first ask you to do that
    before responding to your needs.

My stance:
If you want to be part of the group that nurtures the newcomers
please do so.

The people who answer questions will not (cannot, should not)
stop you.

You can explain to and educate the new comers about the
expected behaviour on the list and deprecate the attitude of the answers
as part of such mails.

But do not start send mails whose only purpose is criticizing and educating
those who answer.

Asokan Pichai
We will find a way. Or, make one. (Hannibal)
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