On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:41 PM, ThiaguWinId <thiaguwi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a clean OT request
> I need an "used Tablet Computer" [ low cost ] to give it my daughter [ 4th
> std ]
> So, From Andriod to Linux to gcc

I would say, its a good idea to start with raspberry pi. Both of you
can learn togather, instead of giving her a tablet. If you give her a
tablet, the only thing she will learn is how to play games and to get
more games. Desktops will do better what a tablet does, whether
teaching or playing games. Start with raspberry pi, and both of u work
togather to set it up and get it running. Pretend u don't know simple
things like how to connect the display cable to the board and let her
'help' you overcome your trouble. You can take it further in similar
ways. Anyway, the tablet seems like a poor way to start.


A. Narendiran
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