
>>I think we have lost complete sight of the spirit and the symbiotic
relationship ILUGC can have with companies like Baskar's in furthering
the cause of FOSS.

The following information was told to me by Railway Baskar (The railway
Baskar, not the linuxpert baskar)
Railway Baskar and Linux expert company  did a workshop at Eswari Engg
At later point of time, Railway Baskar was approached by the college to
conduct a workshop and railway baskar took Raman to the college,
this was objected by Linexpert Baskar because of his business Interest.
(Raman and Railway Baskar please vouch for the authenticity of this
information).The problem here i see is which hat does linux expert baskar
wears, a volunteer of ilugc or a CEO.

>>No wonder Baskar feels he is better off without involving ILUGC.
We  welcome it. He is entitled to have his own opinion.

Do we need a clearance to conduct an event, I think the co-ordinator should
take a call,
My opinion is , it is better to have one.


Thyagarajan Shanmugham
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