> There have been cases where groups, and conferences (in India) have been 
> "hijacked" for personal or commercial interests. 

I have not seen anybody hijacking this list for personal interests which are 
not based around Free Software. If anybody tries to do that on this list, we 
can simply ban them. But banning any post on a FOSS activity such as workshop; 
just because it is commercial does not make sense to me. 

> But, this list is quite considerate to allow people to post with a 
> 'Commercial' tag. Otherwise, it wouldn't have survived this long.... So, how 
> one balances the number of voluntary and commercial posts is crucial, just as 
> maintaining the signal-to-noise ratio. 

Very true. Which is why I suggested a "FOSS-AD" tag, and limiting such tagged 
posts to 5 per month. 

Totally banning such FOSS-related posts entirely is not a good idea, IMHO. 

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