On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:49 AM, sahil साहिल <scorpionking.sa...@gmail.com>

> Is there anyway to improve my CPU usage so that I can work efficiently? I
> know, my laptop is quite old but for now I don't have nay other
> alternative. Please guide me.

Compiz, unity and the like just slow the system down a lot. The purpose of
a desktop environment for me is really just to see the things I need to see
and nothing more.

For this reason, I always find myself falling back to Tiling window
managers like dwm[1] or i3[2]. These are the 2 i've used and I can tell you
they remove a LOT of clutter from the screen and allow you to totally
focus. You should try them out; i3 especially. ​

​Here is a nice talk on i3[3]​ from the guy who made it. You can try out
things like awesomeWM or xmonad too, but i've never used them myself

I use i3 on a Intel Atom netbook and i've never really had any problem
except when I open a high performant website with firefox. Otherwise since
my work is majorly around terminals, it works like a charm.

Hope it helps. Cheers.

​[1]: http://dwm.suckless.org/
[2]:​ http://i3wm.org/
[3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnYN2CTb1hM
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