On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:49 AM, sahil साहिल
<scorpionking.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My laptop (Core2Duo, 4GB RAM) is damn slow just because 'compiz' and 'Xorg'
> are taking so much CPU %age (when I run 'top' command).
> I moved to 'fluxbox' but it was so difficult for me to work on that. So,
> reverted to Ubuntu unity desktop again.
> Is there anyway to improve my CPU usage so that I can work efficiently? I
> know, my laptop is quite old but for now I don't have nay other
> alternative. Please guide me.

Xorg is needed, that is what provides the graphical environment. You
cannot do without it (yet).

Compiz generally puts strain on your resources, and all it does
additionally is provide fancy desktop effects. You can do without it
and greatly improve performance.

Big desktop environments like gnome, kde, unity try to provide desktop
effects, eye candy and high integration between system components.
These are to be avoided if you want "lightweight" system.

Tiling window managers are lightweight but they have a keyboard
oriented workflow and involve a learning curve. It is not suitable for

Fluxbox, Openbox etc are window managers, and barely more than a
window manager. They are lightweight but don't provide integrated
desktop. You will need to configure a lot of thing manually.

You can try lightweight desktops such as XFCE or LXDE. Ubuntu has a
xfce edition named xubuntu, you can give that a try.


A. Narendiran

(A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of
hours in the library.)
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