On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Narendiran <a.narendi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Xorg is needed, that is what provides the graphical environment. You
> cannot do without it (yet).

Yeah, learned about it when I was looking for a solution.

> Compiz generally puts strain on your resources, and all it does
> additionally is provide fancy desktop effects. You can do without it
> and greatly improve performance.

Yes, it consumes all CPU resources and make my laptop damn slow.

> Tiling window managers are lightweight but they have a keyboard
> oriented workflow and involve a learning curve. It is not suitable for
> everyone.

> Fluxbox, Openbox etc are window managers, and barely more than a
> window manager. They are lightweight but don't provide integrated
> desktop. You will need to configure a lot of thing manually.

Yes, realized it when installed fluxbox. There is a learning curve for

> You can try lightweight desktops such as XFCE or LXDE. Ubuntu has a
> xfce edition named xubuntu, you can give that a try.

Installing Xfce4. Hope it works fine and let me do my work efficiently.

Thank you Narendiran for your valuable inputs.


*Regards,Sahil ModGill*
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