Hellos people,

I need the following software developed.
Please tell me if any ilugd member or team can handle this for me.

Website chat Customer Support System  The package will have 5.

- Client Side.( For the visitor of any website)

- Server side - Console. ( For the main server server)

- Server side - Website console. ( For the main server server)

- Server side - Chat executive side. ( For clients of fortune space.)

- Server side daemon - A conteneously running thread to link all the other 4

- Client Side(For the visitor of any website, this is could be any visitor
to a member website.)
    - A chat window.
    - The window should be able to find out the following:
 - The IP address of the visitor(bypass all firewalls etc).
 - The complete URL of the page the visitor was viewing

- Chat executive side( This is a call center type operator, who just chat to
chat with a website visitor.)
 - chat executive should logon at http://www.theirwebsite.com/chat-support/
 - Should have a visitors list box
 - Visitors have not yet been attended should be black on white
 - Visitors that are talking to any chat executive should have the name/ID
of the chat executive they are talking to.
 - The chat executive should double click any unattended visitors to open a
chat window with them.
  - At this point visitor lists of all other chat executives should mark
this visitor in green color, indicating that this visitor has been attended.

- Website Console( This is where the Admin of the website views all the chat
 - Display all logged on chat executives.
 - Display idle time for chat executive.
 - Display unattended visitors.
 - Display chat statistics/demographics.[chatters attend/day, top
executives, who was maximum idle etc).
 - Admin can kick/takeover,close any chat executive/window in that website.

- Console( This is for me. I need to watch everything on all member
websites(except the actual chat content ofcoz).)
 - This should a tree list box that should be able to tell how many visitors
have been attended on which website, and how many have still not been
attended to.
 - the software should be intelligent enough to use least memory and not use
contineously open threads.
 - The server side should have options to restart the server at any time in
case of a traffic blockade or something.
 - The server side should also be able to run on Linux servers.
 - The server side should have the ability to kick off any chat
executives/visitors at any point of time.
 - From console I can add more members to the console and mail them a copy
of code which they could install in their website and get online instantly.

I have an exact picture of the software in jpegs, which I can mail to you.
If you havent understood from the above.

NOW, can you develop such a software for me, in less than one month.

Call me at 98105 41 42 3 or mail me outside the list if you interested in
developing this software.

My budget is MAX to MAX 20K.

Read the budget then call me ! ;o)

The software will be released under GPL, from my website.

Ofcoz if there is already a better software than this, "PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT


PS: Is it OK if I post such software requirements on the mailing list ?

ilugd mailing list

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