--- # Subodh # <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi
> I have a PCQLinux8.0.  Can i access NTFS partions in
> Linux n How ?

I doubt whether PCQLinux8.0 comes with a kernel
pre-configured to access NTFS mount points. It is based
on RHL 8 which doesn't have a stock kernel for accessing

Try the mount command, if you get a message something
like "ntfs not supported by kernel", then you need to
compile a new kernel. If you installed the kernel
sources, you will find them in /usr/src/linux---.
Follw the instructions as given in README in the
directory. When compiling is complete save the new
kernel with an new name to /bbot and add a new option
in grub/lilo. Do not save it with the same name
(vmlinuz---) as if there is some problem, you may not be
able to boot into your default linux.


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