No LL, You are widely off the mark. I sent the message
from my office Linux box. Incidentally I have got
Knoppix installed onto my harddisk both at home and
office. I came to like Debian after using all sorts of
Distro (RH, Mandrake, SuSE - you name it). And since I
could not lay my hands on a Debian set of CDs, Knoppix
came in handy.

Also I had checked for the running processes. The
problem, as I have mentioned in an earlier post, was
because somehow the permissions for the kppp got

-- narsingh

 --- LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On
Monday 18 August 2003 04:05 pm, you wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > Last night while I was browsing the Net, my PC
> > rebooted due to a power problem. Thereafter, kppp
> > failed to connect to the Net saying "unable to
> open
> > modem" or something similar. There is no lock
> file.
> > The modem works alright in Windows. What am I
> missing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -- narsingh
> you still have the kppp daemon running as a process.
> press control+esc to get 
> the list of running processes, and kill kppp and
> other daemons that are busy 
> accessing the modem for nothing.
> then, start fresh with kppp and you'll be able to
> log in.
> :-)
> LL
> ps: i assume you sent this message from win doze, or
> perhaps a colleague's 
> gnulinux box. but suppose in a happy future (severe
> future at last with zero 
> piracy?) you have no win doze on your pc, you can
> just pop in a cd of knoppix 
> and start. i find it a good idea to have multiple
> boots of other linux 
> distros on your hard disk.
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