On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 15:23, GR Seshagiri wrote:
> Hello, Arindam Dey,
> This way i have done a week ago to unsubsribe. The confirmation also did 
> not come as indicated. Now again i did it after ur answer. Let me see the 
> outcome.
> Thanks for the prompt reply,
> -- seshagiri

Alternatively if you still do not get any reply which is quite unlikely...
you can send a mail with help in the subject line or the body of the mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] note the change in the mail address it is
not and i repeat NOT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
^^^             ^^^^^

This will send you a detailed method of unsubscribing or changing your options
through e-mail and not through the web interface.

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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