On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 02:04, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> LinuxLingam wrote:
> > just saw this article on the hindustantimes website.
> > http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_564333,0008.htm
> > 
> > the story mentions the CBI has software to decrypt encrypted email text
> > as well, and the software is created by IIT kanpur and deptt of IT. i
> > assume this probably means PGP or GPG encrypted emails too.
> > 
> The text of the story says:
> [...]
> "The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is developing a software."
> [...]

well, the story also says:

"The NMT has been made functional since October last year, though work
is on to improve the software. The CBI has “officially” used it in four
to five cases related to organised crime and terrorism.
Sources are wary of disclosing particular cases. They said the Union
home secretary’s sanction was obtained before the game was afoot.
However, the sources admitted that in several other cases the NMT was
used without authorisation."

sandip, the details are sketchy, but i presume it means both techniques
that you point are contradictory, may be used to achieve their ends.
also, given that 1,024 key encryption may be formidable, it may make
sense to first try looking for the keys under the carpet ;-) using known
exploits, and if that fails, then probably use a brute-force
supercomputer with some awesome algorithms created by indian beautiful
minds, and crack open the encryption. possible, not impossible.


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