On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 08:41, vivek khurana wrote:

>  This is a pretty good idea. I had worked a bit on
> clusters, and i am volunteering for the event. But
> before we go ahead with it a lot of planing has to be
> done. 

that makes you the fifth or the sixth volunteer for this. good. this is
picking up steam.

>  The first thing we have to decide is location.
> Location needs to have a good cooling system, power
> line needs to industrial type (indian standard) as the
> cluster will eat up lot of power (We might need the
> location for the whole weekend).

location is everything. someone please volunteer for this.

>  Secondly we have to decide the size and what we have
> to do with the supercomputer. This involves some
> maths, and i will need a volunteer to help me out in
> all the calculations (basically cross check my
> calculations).

okay, i do know that a certain ajay kumar is a lecturer or a prof. of
maths at st. stephens. he migrated to delhi last year from the top
college in mumbai. he is a TeX dude, and understands linux reasonably
well. also understands and appreciates mathematics software. with that
background, i suppose he would be the ideal guy to mentor, suggest
supercomputing challenges from academia, and basically do something. i
have lost his contact details. am sure there are people on this list
from st. stephen's or have friends who study at st stephens, or
something. please could you get in touch with him, and ask him to come
online on this mailing list. he could coordinate and see this project
thru for us.


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