Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta wrote:
I have used SWAT precisely once, 4 years ago.  I had a well-commented
smb.conf file, needed to add a new share, so used SWAT.

It added the new share, stripped ALL comments, and re-wrote smb.conf.
No backup.


But isnt this the same with any frontend/shell to an existing program?

One has to make a consistent decision while using any GUI frontends which edit the same config file that you can edit manually - either use the GUI all the time or edit the config file manually all the time. I personally do both - I use GUI the first time to create a template, and then consistently *allways* manually edit them.

Comments are for humans; if you decide to use an automated/GUI frontend, you have to sacrifice that unless the GUI allows you to make contextual comments to options.

The connection between comments and the option that it is related to is very subjective - I can make a global comment somewhere or a comment on the next option in the file. Say you add an additional option to the configuration - Where will the UI put a new option line without disturbing the comment context? Too difficult, not reliable and not worth the trouble when all you want is to create an UI for users to add option reliably.

It is virtually unthinkable to ever make an UI which can reliably handle preserving comments to options.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
sandip (at)
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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