vivek wrote:
On Sat, 2004-05-15 at 21:14, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:

Latency should be a major issue on these networks, as some people here on the list have told me earlier. That means while downloads will be fast, browsing will be fast, interactive sessions like ssh/telnet, voice, etc. will be crawling. Some people had reported latency to be worse than dialup in some cases. So unless you plan to do remote admin work using this, this could be a good option. But since people of this

i did not know that :-( i thought i found one of the best methods of
constant net connectivity, but this is disappointing as my work will
involve ssh sessions.

Why not use both simultaneously, if the economics permit it?

Something like "iptables -t NAT -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport ssh -j SNAT --to-source <IP of cable provider>" will cause just the ssh traffic to go over you faster/un-reliable cable provider, while rest goes over the wireless dial-up

do wireless connections such as these suffer from
high latency or is it this reliance/tata indicom connections?

It's got to be these connections. A broadband radio setup, which you cost you anywhere between 1L to 4L depending on the provider and the bandwidth involved, will give you a steady last mile RTT at about 4ms, while these phones give about 300ms best case and go upto 600ms under load.

Varun Varma
Mindframe Software & Services Pvt. Ltd.

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