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>>>>> "Kunal" == Kunal Singhal <\(Linux\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

    Kunal> [snip]

    Kunal> Secondly, I wanted to know about swap space allocation.  I
    Kunal> have read that the swap space should normally be twice the
    Kunal> size of RAM.  I currently have 256 MB RAM, so i have a swap
    Kunal> partition of 512MB.  But I am planning to upgrade to 1 GB
    Kunal> Ram.  What swap space should I Allocate Now??  Should it be
    Kunal> 2 GB or less?

The ``swap twice size of RAM'' is a rather old concept, dating from
the days when RAM was 32 or 64MB, processors were 66MHz and disks
transferred at 1MB/s.  Make a lot of swap if you plan to have tons of
apps that aren't used very frequently open simultaneously.  However,
in general with newer systems I find 256 to 512MB of swap more than
adequate -- the values under are for a KDE desktop with 4 shells,
Xemacs, OOo, Licq, gkrellm, multiple Galeon windows and Gaim
permanently open:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        515256     500528      14728          0      28148     180820
- -/+ buffers/cache:     291560     223696
Swap:       265032     103648     161384

Hmm, /why/ do I have Licq open?  I can't remember the last time I
received an ICQ message... must do something about it, in the fullness
of time, when the time is ripe, at the appropriate juncture.

    Kunal> Thanks in advance to everyone who helps me out.

Uh, just thanks?  You mean you aren't paying?  D*mn!


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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