On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 19:07:21 +0530, Raj Shekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all
> With a heavy heart I regret to inform you all that the much hyped up
> "Girls in Linux" which was to be organized by LL has been canceled.

heavy heart? you sound more like you're heart-broken [grin]

okay, i emerge from the land of the dead, to share with friends on
this mailing list, that i have been rather busy past few months and
have not been responding to stuff here, though i have been 'lurking'
and reading mails.
looks like i have another few weeks of this busy spell.

also, for a few months, i faced problems with the mailing-list's
rather aggressive and pro-active [when i doubt, shoot] kind of
anti-spam measures. so have just switched to a gmail account and
resolved that for a moment.

finally, the 'women in gnulinux' [and please note, not girls in linux]
talk,event was not organized by me, was and is still being coordinated
by me. the actual talk and event will be handled by the various women
in gnulinux, who else? unfortuately, the lead people, like alolita
sharma, are busy travelling outta the country at that time, as are the
other busy at this time. so, i have decided to postpone this to
august, or september, or october, or november, or dec, or jan, or feb,
or march... [grin]
until it happens the right way.

meanwhile, nothing stops others from organizing a similar meet. as
part of my research, i have discovered whole movements across the
world dedicated to 'women in gnulinux' do a google to find more.
perhaps the women lurking on this mailing list could find inspiration
and resource-pointers on how to organize a meet. briefly, may i
1) a meet preferably at a girl's college, else a co-ed college,
university [more activities in the student community, the better it is
for the community]
2) women to volunteer to present the talks, the technical sessions.;
3) working women and professionals from the industry to talk about
women in gnuloinux: the work, the work environment, the opportunities,

it's that simple.

> Since we could not allow the geeks to sit idle on the 3rd Sunday of the
> month (18th July), it was decided after painful research (there was not
> much research, but it was painful) that we will have an Open Forum in
> this meet.



> If you would like to give a presentation in this meet, then do put in an
>   email giving the topic of your talk.

whether for this meet, or the next, may i recommend a name and a topic
for the next meet:

'sound and even music-authoring in gnulinux' by VIVEK KHURANA.
[all right everyone, a big hand for vivek.]

he has put in several hundred man hours of research into all aspects
of digital sound and music under gnulinux, and even solved some tricky
troubleshoots, worked the mailing lists and more.
he has a goldmine of information to share. quite inspiring too.

am sure amitabh trehan could also offer a session for this topic.
[which is why he needs help locating his speakers].

let the drum-rolls begin, in hydrogen (!).


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