Greetings to all,
from what i see, linux pc's exist in following areas(students)
1) Someone inherited it from on older generation, say UG students with working elder 
    siblings and knowledge of Linux.
2) Some student discovers great benefits of linux thyself thru net/meets/mailing list.
3) 1% of UG students install linux as a course-subject,the other 99% use distros that 
get installed on window$, so they never get to know the real linux
So we(actually i) see that linux can be made a house hold name when people know that 
they need not be afraid of it, and this knowledge can be made available to them thru 
their near&dear ones at the first level and then the next level, from the 
hardware-person, who installs the system.
Look at micro$oft, their move of making Project Shikha is a well thought out strategy, 
they strike at the place where learning and knowledge has its origin(i am referring to 
teachers here) in a students life. so students get it from their teachers mouth and 
you know now-a-days parents can not say no to what their toddlers want!
i am not suggesting of doing the same, but doing so in a thought out manner.
here's what i try to do, and am hoping to taste success soon.
>every lug member take responsibility of spreading the linux word to their respective 
>next, any person buying a new computer, atleast convince him/her to try linux! for 
>this keep yourself updates with all kinds of software that are equivalent of window$.
(never convince newbies on false facts, that it'll work. that way linux gets a bad 
>have a quiz or any exciting event and give away knoppix.(or even give it away if its 
>your b'day)
these were thoughts from my experience,
in the end, i would say to get linux its rightly deserved place in peoples home, we 
need to start from the very basic and need to have a well formulated strategy.
make young people (like me :-) ) aware and responsible for spreading linux to 
locality, then making sure the vendors(in your locality or society) never say that 
support is not available.stand up to the occasion, give support free of cost or train 
that very vendor.
then we could track the growth with volunteers in every lug-meet!
i like linux for reason that goes in the very building of it. the spirit of freedom, 
but with responsibilty.
PS: its a controversial topic so please don flame if in anyways my thoughts did not 
agree with your point of view.

NAMASTE, i honour the spirit in you which is also in me.

|Anytime you feel i need to understand| 
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