Hello all,

Will the ILUGD be making any donations to the tsunami relief ? I think it would be a good idea if instead of making individual donations to the relief funds, we pool our resources together .

There was a mail in the india-gii mailing list (https://ssl.cpsr.org/pipermail/india-gii/2004-December/009559.html) where he listed out things that are needed for the relief work

1. Children's clothes in decent form
2. Medicines - Paracetamol, ORS packets, Doxycycline, Dettol, bandages
3. Blankets - a few thousands
4. Gloves & masks to help volunteers clear the debris & dead bodies.
5. Money - to buy essentials, water pots (which will be bought closer
to the areas)

Does anyone know of any (honest) agencies that will be willing to take medicines etc. and ship it to the affected areas ? Failing which, making a donation to the PM fund seems to be the most prudent action.

What do you all think ? Do we make individual donations or a group donations (as members of ILUGD) ?

,-.___,-.  Raj Shekhar
\_/_ _\_/  System Administrator, programmer and  slacker
  )O_O(    home : http://rajshekhar.net
 { (_) }   blog : http://rajshekhar.net/blog/
  `-^-'    work : http://netphotograph.com

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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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