I am using this on FC3 and FC4.

On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 09:14 +0530, Sudev Barar wrote:
> On 7/19/05, Sanjay Goel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Procedure to connect any reliance phone using USB Cable :-
> > 
> [SNIP]
> Sanjay:
> Problem is the moment you plug in the usb cable phone powers off. Rest
> of the connecting procedure is well know and as I said used in past
> with RH9. Have you used this of FC3 or Ubuntu? Output  of
> /var/log/messages is below for Gurus to help.
> Raj:
> Thanks for input. Off to search if I can find a serial cable. All I
> have been shown were usb cables. Any idea where to source these?
> Anyone?

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