On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:54, Raj Mathur wrote:

> OK, so in your opinion why are there so few women?  Is it an innate
> issue with perceived geekiness?  Or something specific to this list
> (or User Group) that keeps them distant?  Or do we need to perform
> some specific tasks or activities that would get more women
> interested?

Well, I can't claim to have the answers myself- I too am exploring, and
not "accusing"...And though I can't describe myself as a geek by any
stretch, but yes, I do think it is larger than being limited to this
specific list. (Lists like linuxchix and grlls-only also mention these
things- almost the reason for their existence...) But yes, I have been
on this list for a few months, and have not heard anyone actually
mention it as a loss- the fact that there are no 'active' women on the
list. So I want to know if you guys have ever at any point felt the need
for a gender equitable representation on the list? If yes, what steps
have you taken to find out the reasons- and try to make it convenient
and comfortable for women? 
I can say what makes me uncomfortable about posting on this list- 
(i) nobody seems to find anything wrong in a list like this (and is it
true for the LUG also? I have not been around long enough) running
without active women participants. Just the all-male comfort makes women

(ii) frankly, very often the language is initmidating and 'male'. Like i
said, I am not a geek, but yes, I am interested in GNU/Linux. 

I have no technical background, but I happen to be doing the System
Administration for my workplace- works entirely off GNU/Linux- small
network of 13 terminals- LTSP, Red Hat. We don't have a "techie" in
house- I have been doing the troubleshooting for sometime now, with
off-site help from our consultant. I have found no problems with his
language (and couple of other people I know who are into GNU/Linux).
Obviously, someone in my situation could use all the help and support
from a list like this, if only they felt comfortable posting...
With the ILUG-D list, it makes me feel like I have wandered into an old
boys' gang...

What is 'male' about the language and atmosphere?- I think you will have
to find out for yourselves- perhaps talking to 'geeky' women you know
who have been/are on the list?

On the other hand, if you all think its fine as it has been, it can
continue as it is....


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