Hi Friends,
> I wanted to create a linux user on the fly(ie. With mine PERL/CGI
> script) .
> Is there a method to do so. I am having a webserver with root access.
> Pl. reply.

Running a apache webserver as root is a bad idea.  By default RHEL comes
configured to run the webserver as user nobody.  I would suggest you
leave it running like user nobody.

Next, for adding linux users on the fly by using a CGI script.  Firstly,
if I knew that such a system existed somewhere - I would write a bot to
create 100 users daily, just so that I could teach the clueless web
developer a lesson :-) .  I suggest that if you need to create the users
through a web form then
- that system should be deployed only in an intranet
- there should be enough logging of user actions to trace back who
created users
- have a captcha to stop bots
- have a approval process before the user gets created

Here is how I did it when I had to do something like this
- create a script to create the user
- using sudo allow apache to run that script without giving a password
(i.e. from cgi script call `sudo /path/to/my/script`) - I placed this
script out of my documentroot
- have a script run through /var/log/security (or it might have been
/var/log/auth) to check if any user other than nobody used that script,
since sudo logs whenever it gets invoked

A good tutorial on sudo http://aplawrence.com/Basics/sudo.html

On another note, please do not hijack threads. Always start a new thread
instead of taking an already ongoing one, changing the subject line and
 posting it again. The subject line is only  loosely related to the
threading.  Every mail message has a message-id.    When you "reply" or
 "followup" to a message, you client is supposed to  put a References
header with the message-id of the message you are  replying to.

If you use an existing thread, the result is that your question is
buried below unrelated questions when looking at the mailing list in a
threaded way. This is known as `Hijacking threads'. It causes
information to be lost and you'll be less likely to get an answer.

Raj Shekhar                        Y!IM : lunatech3007
blog : http://rajshekhar.net/blog  home : http://rajshekhar.net
Disclaimer : http://rajshekhar.net/disclaimer

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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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